News from the Curio – 4

Posted by on June 15, 2014 4:50 pm in Book talk | 9 comments

Good Sunday everyone!

It’s a beautiful day outside and between reading and having a drink on our rooftop, we have been baking a delicious blueberry pie (and by “we” I mean, the Man; I’ve strictly been watching and salivating. Oh, and I did the glazing. That counts!)

photo (8)


Read, Reading, Hearing

My good reading strike is, fortunately, continuing; fingers crossed that it goes on through the summer!

I finished listening to TFiOS and it was really moving; then I started listening to the Veronica Mars novel (The Thousand-Dollar Tan Line) and I absolutely love having Kirsten Bell narrating a story for my precious ears. I’m barely starting and I already want more!

On paper, I finished Voices of Dragons (very cute!) and started Storm FrontIt’s a bit scary to start a 15 books series that is still going strong and I can’t promise that I’ll be in for the whole ride, but so far so good. It’s very easy to get into and super entertaining!


Filling the Shelf – 144

Filling the Shelf simply is Mailbox Monday, but with a title that suits my blog! If you’re interested in joining the fun or seeing what other bloggers added to their shelves, click away! (but beware, visiting other mailboxes will probably add to your neverending wishlist!)

Small addition to the shelves this week, both audio! I think the awesome time I have had with audiobooks recently really made me want to listen to more audiobooks!


Side Effects May Vary by Julie Murphy – The Coldest Girl in Coldtown by Holly Black

What books did you recently add to your shelves?


  1. I saw a movie called Side Effects May Vary – I wonder if it was based on that book.

  2. Yay for audiobooks! I’ve listened to both of those books, and think Coldest Girl is especially successful. Yummy blueberry pie!! Have a great week 🙂

  3. I’m about to start Veronica the audio too!!! 🙂

  4. Blueberry pie sounds delicious! Enjoy the audios.

  5. I hope you enjoy both audiobooks. Although I’ve only listened to books for a couple of years I almost always have an audiobook going these days and listen on my walks.

  6. I love the blueberry pie. 🙂

    ENJOY your books too. Hope they are good.

    Have a great reading week.

    Silver’s Reviews
    My Mailbox Monday

  7. I love the picture of the pie!

  8. I have Side Effects May Vary on my library wish list and plan on reading it in the next few months.

  9. Side Effects looks like a good one. Thanks for sharing…and for visiting my blog.

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