Review : French Milk

Posted by on August 10, 2011 12:08 am in 4 stars reads | 12 comments

French Milk by Lucy Knisley
Pages : 193
Genre : Graphic Novel, memoir
Stand Alone
My Rating :

French Milk is an adorable graphic novel, illustrating Lucy and her mother’s trip to Paris during the 2006-2007 holidays. Charming and evocative of the beautiful French city, this visual travelogue is also illustrated by a few photographs, though the author’s drawings really are center stage to the story.

I adored reading French Milk, and went through it in one single sitting. In fact, I cracked it open late at night before bed, and ended up reading the whole thing. Knisley has a way of telling her story that made me feel like I was there – and I certainly wish I was – while being entertaining and extremely likable and honest.

This being simply a diary of events taking place over a few weeks, I imagine some readers would find it a little dry; there is no action, suspense, questions, it is only a day-to-day account of what Lucy and her mom do while in Paris. Personally, I loved that, because it reminded me so, so much of our (too) short vacation there. I believe readers who’ve been there, or who have a strong interest in visiting the city, will be most likely to enjoy this one, though honestly I would still recommend it to anyone who enjoys graphic novels and/or traveling. Or eating. Because a lot of Lucy’s time is occupied by food. So. Much. Food!

Another strong aspect of Lucy’s story is the fact that, at 22 years old, she finds herself facing an important and scary moment of her life: she’s getting ready to leave college to finally enter her adult life. I believe many readers will, as myself, relate to her fears

All in all, a very pleasant read with a lot of heart (and food!)


  1. I was in Paris when I was 20, so it was easy to relate as well, especially to the whole “what to do with your life” moments. I adored this one!

  2. I really enjoyed this one too, even though I was puzzled about the milk she referred too. We lived in France for two years and we never had milk like that. If things work out, we’ll be heading to Paris in October and I’m going to be sure to look for milk!

  3. Oh, the food! This book was such fun — I actually kept my copy after I finished it (and I rarely do that these days). A quick read, but very fun and worthwhile. Glad you enjoyed it, too!

  4. I have been wanting to read this for awhile, but have never gotten around to procuring it. It sounds like it’s a really fun and uncomplicated little read with a lot going for it. I am going to have to move it up on my wish list!

  5. I’ve heard so many lovely things about French Milk. I’ve added it to my library list – I’m thinking it would be great for the next read-a-thon!

  6. I’ve had this one on my wishlist for a while but keep forgetting about it. Travel and food–that’s what it’s all about, right? Maybe for the October readathon I’ll pick this one up.

  7. I read through it in the same way, started it later at night and read the whole thing. It made me so hungry for a French picnic with a baguette, good cheese and wine!

  8. I read this one last year and never ended up writing a review on it. I did enjoy it and found that I felt like I got a taste of Paris through this story. It wasn’t my favorite graphic novel but I did find it to be a solid read. I’m glad to hear that you enjoyed it so much!

  9. I really want to read this, but my library doesn’t have it and I hate buying graphic novels because they are so short…

  10. ohh i like the sound of this book! i’m going to have to keep my eye open for this book the next time i go book shopping.

  11. Oh wow! This looks amazing! Thanks for reviewing it, I would never have come across it otherwise.

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