What I Knit – 2

Posted by on January 23, 2011 4:44 am in My work, other | 17 comments

Knit knit knit, I’ve been knitting again in the past couple of weeks!

It’s such a great way to relax my brain and take the pressure off, I still wonder why I stopped a couple years ago.

Here are some projects I finished since the previous post; the pictures look a bit blurry, so if you want a bigger/clearer view, you can click on them; I’ll try to fix that for next time!

The Man’s Scarf

Started in December; very easy, requires low-level brain activity, but quite repetitive! The Man of the House really likes it though, so I’m happy!


Baby Cat Hat

For my niece ; I have yet to meet her, so meanwhile I knit for her! 🙂


Hip, hip, hip, Hippo!

Hippo toy, again for my niece 😀 I like it, I almost don’t want to give it away. It’s hard to be the grown-up!


  1. I’m so jealous. How do you do this? I can only make straight lines. It never forms anything.

  2. These are great! I just started knitting this year, do you have the pattern for the man scarf?

  3. Love the scarf and the cat hat is adorable as well.

  4. Whoa. How cute! I LOVE it all.

  5. Oh, what fun! I love these pieces, and I’ll add my voice to the chorus, asking what patterns you used. :p

    • Hi Lily! All these projects are on my Ravelry page (Knittikay), if you want a look at the patterns! 🙂 But if you have a question let me know !

  6. You are so talented! I love the gifts for your niece – they’re adorable!

  7. Oh, I love everything you made! You’ve really come back to knitting with a vengeance! Love the scarf you made for your bf, though I completely understand how certain patterns can become slightly maddening because they are so repetitive! Great job!

  8. gorgeous…I want to knit!

  9. Love the scarf and the cap and the HYippo, it’s so cute. You are so talented.

  10. These are all beautiful, but I especially love the hippo.

  11. Little Pink Hippo is so cute!

  12. ahhh the hippo is soo cutee!!!! you’re amazing!! you’ll have to let me know if you ever open up an etsy shop and sell some of your items. 😀

  13. I adore that cat hat and the hippo. If one of my friends get pregnant I might email you to ask for the patterns, lol.

  14. Kay, you have some fabulous talent there. As a previous poster said, you should definitely open an etsy shop. 😀

    The hippo reminded me of what my nana used to make. She was a big knitter too and made so many things for her grandchildren – I have huge bags full of toys she made for me. 🙂

  15. Thank you everyone for your nice comments! I really enjoy creating with yarn; sadly I already don’t have enough time to knit all I want for friends, family and myself, I don’t think I could survive the pressure of having a shop! :-p

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