Filling the Shelf – 78

Posted by on September 16, 2012 2:36 am in Book talk | 14 comments

Filling the Shelf is basically Mailbox Monday or the more recent Stacking the Shelves, but with a title that suits my blog! If you’re interested in joining the fun or seeing what other bloggers added to their shelves, I invite you to visit the two hosts!


Happy Sunday all!

Wow, I feel like it’s been a while since I wrote something here. Even though I published a few posts, I have been more than busy with back-to-school season. I’ll be hiding under piles and piles of papers to read and write, and presentations to prepare until the end of September, but I did manage to schedule a few posts. So you probably won’t feel like I’m missing too much!

So, big mailbox this week since I didn’t do one last week. There are even a couple of books missing. As you can see it is heavy in fantasy/steampunk. I think reading the last two books of the Mistborn trilogy has really woken up my passion for the genre, after many years of reading very little of it!

Boneshaker by Cherie Priest  (First in a steampunk series, this one has been many times recommended on many, many blogs I follow. It’s time I get to it. Also, zombies!)

The Windup Girl by Paolo Bacigulapi  (Steampunk again, recommended many times too. Really excited to finally be adding it to my shelf!)

The Fallen Blade by Jon Courtenay Grimwood  (Historical fiction meets urban fantasy! Interestingly, this cover has a more historical feel, while the US one, which you can see on Goodreads, is much more of the UF tradition.)

The Way of Shadows by Brent Weeks  (A fantasy novel about assassins. I love stories about spies and assassins, and this is one I knew the Man of the House wanted to read too.)

Besieged by Rowena Cory Daniells  (This high fantasy sounds like most fantasy novels : kingdoms at war, feuds, etc. After reading an interview with the author, I became extremely curious of it, so here it is!)

Cold Magic by Kate Elliott  (Steampunk again. Funny story : I actually bought the second book a few months ago, and only realized my mistake when it arrived home. Now I can finally read it from the start!)

What did you add to your shelves recently? Have you read one of these books? 


  1. Love all the new and pretty Steampunk books you got.
    Happy Reading!

  2. Ahhhh!!! Cold Magic! You are going to enjoy it! I did! Immensely. Now if only the 3rd book would hurry up and get released.

  3. Ooooo some cool stuff! I’ve wanted to try Wind Up Girl.

  4. I haven’t read any of those but I’m intrigued by many of the covers.

  5. What a great collection of books! I enjoyed The Boneshaker, but that is the only book I have read from your post… Some of the others are on my wish list, though. 🙂

  6. The Boneshaker looks good. Have a great week and happy reading!

  7. I have had The Wind-Up Girl here for ages, and I need to make some time for it. It sounds like something I am going to love. I also liked your other choices for the shelf. Nice books you got there!

  8. I have few Brent Weeks but I haven’t never read any. I’ve heard good things about Rowena Cory Daniells’ books. Hope you enjoy those!

  9. I recently picked up The Wind-Up Girl and it looks fantastic. All of these covers are very striking – hope the books are just as good!

  10. I still haven’t read anything in the Steampunk genre but I feel like I should definitely try it out. Happy reading this week!

  11. First off, I love your blog design! Very classy. 🙂 & thank you for dropping by our blog! The Fallen Blade has been on my to-read list for ages now; I really ought to get a copy. Nice selection this week! Happy reading.

    Subscribed via email. 🙂

  12. Not the genre I like, but you enjoy them. Nice stack of books this week for you.

    Silver’s Reviews

  13. I can honestly say that I want to read every book you just bought….except the Windup girl. I made it 3/4 the way through that beast and I HATED it, lol. I had trouble caring about any of the characters and the world was far too hopeless and disgusting for me. But excuse me while I put all these others on my tbr shelf haha.

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