Being Thankful

Posted by on November 23, 2012 4:04 am in Book talk | 7 comments

Even though Thanksgiving was a couple weeks ago for us here in Canada, I have been really inspired by all the thankful posts I have seen around the blogs of my many american friends. While I certainly have a lot to be thankful for in my life, I wanted to honor the books and authors that made the last 12 months of my reading life so fantastic. In no particular order, this year, I am thankful for :

1. Brandon Sanderson & the Mistborn series

If you didn’t know already, I read book 2 and 3 of the series this summer as part of a read-along, and it was an amazing, mind-blowing experience. I always fear that if I sing a book’s praises too loudly readers will get too high expectations, but it was hard to contain myself after such a wonderful experience.

Sanderson excels at everything that I love; complex worldbuilding, complex characters, complex and interwoven stories. I believe it is very rare, even for someone who reads a lot, to come across books that affect you this way; books to which all the following similar books will have to compare. The Mistborn books are exactly that for me in the epic fantasy category.

(Read my reviews here, here and here)


2. John Green

I am thankful for John Green as an author, yes, but mainly as a wonderful person in general. Yes, I did read The Fault in Our Stars, almost as soon as it came out; no, I haven’t been able to write a review that would convey my emotions correctly (yet).

But John Green, I think many would agree, is more than an author; through his numerous videos with his brother Hank (whom I am also very thankful for!), through his multiple projects that encourage teens all around the globe to be their best self (DFTBA!), John Green has proven himself to be a wonderful, positive and intelligent influence. I wish I had a John Green when I was a teen – but even today, as an adult, his work (in all spheres) is a huge inspiration to me.

(The Vlogbrothers’ link, where you learn stuff and get entertained and even, sometimes, get a little onion dust in your eyes)


 3. Reading The Stand as part of the read-along

Looking back, it sounds almost insane; when I decided to join the Standalong event, I chose to read the uncut edition because, hey, if I was to read The Stand, I might as well do it all the way, right?

It went surprisingly well, and the book was impressive, but I’ll be honest and say that going through this 1439 pages brick is not an experience I would repeat every year. I usually benefit from a bookish change of scenery and characters, and rarely will I read a complete series one book after the other without taking a break. All this being said, it was an intense and amazing experience. This is no coincidence that Stephen King had such a success, for such a long time. Sure, not all of his work is awe-worthy, but The Stand has, in my mind, no equals.

(My review of The Stand here)


4. Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor.

I started to read this one on this day one year ago, so I guess it can count towards the things I am thankful for in the last 12 months!

I loved that book. I gave it one of my rare 5 stars and absolutely do not regret it! This book captured my imagination and my heart. Fascinating characters and beautiful prose! And the story, oh the story! If I had to pick one book that stood out in the last year, this would be the one. The sequel is awaiting its reading on the shelf, and I am so scared to be disappointed that I haven’t picked it up yet. My expectations are unreasonable high.

(See my review here)

(If you are reading my review because you haven’t read the book yet, then you need to read it. Soon, I say!)


 5. The whole Harry Potter experience

This one is not as much about something that I read or that happened in the last year, as much as a realization I had this summer. I was discussing on a forum with new readers of the Harry Potter series. I was fascinated by their point of view, and actually a bit jealous that they got to experience it for the first time.

But then, I started thinking about how waiting for the books over the years had been such a thrilling part of my life. I remembered the discussions I had with friends and other fans, how we tried to guess who would die and whether Hermione would pick Harry or Ron and whether Snape was a good guy or a bad guy.

I remembered, in particular, waiting in line with my best friend for the 5th book in French translation, on a winter night, outside the little bookstore in my hometown. I remembered my boots getting soggy with melted snow and the wind freezing our bones while the queue moved very slowly towards the store’s insides. I remembered not caring about this, desperately waiting to put my hands and the book and read it. And then, finally getting home, reading through the night and the sunrise, high on caffeine and Pepsi and chocolate.

I remembered when I dragged the Man of the House to the 6th book launch event, despite his grumbling. Waiting in line for hours, petting a snake and a rat, eating weird cookies with unidentifiable flavors.

I remembered the bittersweet waiting for the last book, and reading it through the night, trying to resist the urge to go on the forums to see what others were thinking. And tears. So many tears.

At this point, I won’t even get into the movies.

I realized that Rowling created wonderful characters and stories, exciting reading memories; but more than that, her books created unique opportunities in my life for beautiful memories I will forever cherish. And if this isn’t something to be thankful for, I don’t know what is.


What books or authors are you thankful for this year?



  1. I just reread HP this year and was thankful for it all over again! If only we could have another series so wonderful happen in our lifetimes!

    • I want to reread HP in 2013 (I’ve been saying this for years, though…) but I often pick them up from my shelves and reread some excerpts. I do hope we can get something as wonderful again, too! What a unique experience 🙂

  2. Too many to count! I’d have to think on this for a while before I would commit to any specific books/authors.

  3. I am so thankful for having discovered Brandon Sanderson this year. I’ve read tons of his books now and love them all! He’s just so amazing. Mistborn will always hold a special place in my heart, though.

    Don’t be afraid of the second Laini Taylor book! It completely surpassed my expectations, and was even better than the first book!!!!! Sooooo good!

    • I still have many Sanderson to discover. I’m trying to pace myself because I just fell completely in love with his writing this year!

      I am SO glad you enjoyed the second Laini Taylor book. I’ve been staying far from reviews of it, but knowing that you liked it makes me a bit less scared to try it!

  4. The Mistborn Series by Brandon Sanderson is truly amazing. On a side note…
    You’ve Been Nominated
    Hi. I just nominated you for a Very Inspiring Blog Award. Not sure of the exact rules, who started it, or where to find the exact rules. I think you are supposed to nominate 15 other blogs when you accept (kind of like chain letter/pyramid type advertising) but I know I won’t be advertising that many). Anyway, it only serves to help promote your blog. For more info, check out the appropriate post at my site on A Toast To Dragons. (The pasting of links hasn’t work on the last couple of sites, so in case it fails on yours, here’s the url:

  5. I love this list! I’m so thankful for the HP reading experience and John Green and reading The Stand as part of the Standalong. Thanks for reminding me of all the things I’m thankful for!

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