The Retirement Box

Posted by on June 14, 2012 4:20 am in Book talk, other | 8 comments

Today, I finally started a project I had had on my mind for a short while. That is, a retirement box.

What is a retirement box? you ask. And also; aren’t you a little young to think about retirement?

Why, yes, I am a little young to retire. I believe I still have a few good years left in me.

No, that box is for none other than my mom, the awesome lady who first introduced me to books. Hi mom! (I know she lurks around my blog on a daily basis)

One year from now, my mom will finally be retiring. And she deserves it so, so much. My mom does a difficult job, one I know I would never be able to do. I’m not sure what the official title would be in English; the closer translation I found on a government website is “patient service associate”. She houses four “beneficiaries”, who have heavy mental and physical handicaps (again, I want to stress that I do not know the correct English terms for this; the last thing I want is to offend anyone, so I would be thankful to anyone who can provide correct words!)

These four patients live in her home about 355 days a year. My mom only has a short week vacation in the summer; any other time of the year (even for the holidays), she has at least two of them with her. She cooks the food, bathes them, help them to the toilet, and so on. They have activities on week days, which between grocery shopping and cleaning and doctor appointments barely leaves her any time for herself. She reads a lot less than she used too, barely watches any movies, only some TV and some painting.

As you can imagine, my mom is looking forward to her retirement. After many years of this life, and her health having had a few hiccups, and life in general weighing on her shoulders, she is counting the days until she can finally sit down and do absolutely nothing if she wishes to.

That’s where I come in!

And as I am hundreds of kilometers away from her, I thought the best way to help would be to make her a retirement box, filled with books and movies and maybe a few other things for her entertainment. This way, when she doesn’t feel like going out, she’ll have some entertainment just there in her new apartment by the sea.

For the past few weeks I have been investigating books that I believe she could enjoy, authors I know she has mentioned in the past. French and French Canadian authors, but also translations of English books I have enjoyed (the top book in the picture is a translation of Time of my Life by Allison Winn Scotch, and I am currently looking for copies of Louise Penny’s mysteries in French).

Shopping for someone else is hard work. Fun work, but still hard. Getting one book isn’t too hard, but filling a box (and it will be a big box), is a whole other challenge! I constantly wonder : “Has she read this? Did she say she liked reading it or would like reading it? Is this her type of book? She enjoyed this ten years ago, does she still do?”

In the end, there were too many uncertainties and I did tell her what I’m working on. She seemed happy about it, but I’m hoping that by then, she’ll have forgotten most of what is in the box (you know, so she can have a few surprises!)

I’m hoping she’ll have the best retirement she can have – she certainly deserves it!


  1. What a wonderful idea! I’m sure she’ll love it 🙂

  2. Francine Ruel is a good choice. Olivia is in her fifties, she’s looking for love and a house. She lives what any woman would live at that age. I read the first one and I’m really looking forward to read the next one even though I’m not even 40! :p

    (Should I sign A French Canadian who doesn’t write as well as you in English!?! :op)

  3. It certainly sounds like your mom deserves a wonderful retirement. I don’t think we have caregivers like that in the US but I know it must be a draining job. Have fun filling the box for your mom!

  4. Your mom sounds like a wonderful, giving person! I can’t imagine doing a job like that… it would be so physically and emotionally draining, and I hope her retirement gets off to a wonderful start! You could knit her some goodies and include some teabags or the like for her to enjoy and relax with, too. 🙂 Very sweet!

  5. You are such a sweet thoughtful daughter.
    I love love love this idea.

  6. This is a fantastic and thoughtful idea! I love it. 🙂

  7. Hey, btw, Kay – wasn’t sure if you say, but Carl put up the announcement for the 2nd Mistborn book. He’s doing it a bit different this time, where we each go to a designated blog for that week’s discussion. That way we don’t have to write up a post every week and try to visit everyone’s blogs, which gets hard after awhile! I hope you can read with us. Here’s the signup:

  8. This is such a lovely idea, I wish I had thought to of done it for my mum when she retired last year. A great book that she might enjoy is Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon, if she hasn’t read it have a look for it I highly recommend it.

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