News of the blog

Posted by on June 9, 2012 11:55 am in other | 6 comments

Happy Saturday everyone! 🙂

When moving to the blog’s new home some weeks ago, I mentioned that many things still had to be done. Like in real life, there is often a lot more to it than simply moving the boxes from one house to the other. You have to unpack the boxes, decide where everything goes, decorate, then change you mind about one room, switch everything up, etc.

So I guess this is a simple update about my progress. I know most people usually fix all of this before announcing their blog has moved, but here’s the thing: my account was expiring, and since my blog over there had css modifications, it would have lost many of its features and have had a new look anyway before I could move it. I thought it was a bit silly to wait and have the blog go through even more different looks.

I’m very indecisive, moody and picky when it comes to picking an official look for the blog. There are a few designs that I have loved no matter what though, so after some hesitation I finally settled on something I would love, and for a great while I’m sure. It has everything I was looking for and I can’t wait to finally share it with you all!

All of this to say, here are what’s been going on behind the blog lately, and what you can expect soon :

  • New look! I found something very clean and that I really, really love. I’m right now trying to decide whether I want it to have a “magazine” look on the first page, with the blog accessible by a link (wouldn’t change anything for people following by feed, it would still be a blog) or a traditional blog look. It depends on a few things (your input is appreciates if you have an opinion on this!), though I really love the “magazine” because it would make it easier for visitors to chose, for instance, if they want to read the blog posts about books, books in French, or both.
  • Blogging in French! I have always neglected the blog’s French version, and I have always planned on changing that. What I want to do right now is this : have two different feeds that readers can follow, in English or in French. Have a “magazine” style front page, with sections “new reviews in English” and “new reviews in French”. It would be like having two blogs in one, which would be a lot simpler for me than running two blogs, and wouldn’t annoy readers with posts in another language. It’s a possible thing to do, I’m just in the process of figuring out how to do it and do it well.
  • Bloglovin! Always thought it looked nice, and joined this week. I also registered the blog over there this week and if you are on Bloglovin, you can now follow The Infinite Curio here. See you there! 🙂
  • Facebook! Planning on having a Facebook page for the blog. To be honest, this one is more about making it easy for me to follow other bloggers while keeping a virtual distance from my real life account. I’m still trying to figure out if I’m supposed to create a new page or a whole new account for it?

So those are the main things going on. I hope you won’t all tire from the constant changes and run away on me! 🙂 And if there are things you thing there absolutely should or shouldn’t be on the blog, it’s time to let me know, here or via email (See contact section).

Have a great day!


  1. No prob! Keep up the good work.
    BTW, I LOVE the little goodreads and Library Thing buttons you made ->

    • Aww thanks! I forgot to mention it, and wasn’t sure they would get noticed. I am so glad you did! 🙂

  2. I like the idea of being able to subscribe in French, if for nothing else, I can practice my reading. I’m afraid I’m not fluent enough to actually converse in the language. Boo!

    • Thanks for the input Amanda! I know I have a few blogger friends who either speak French as a first language or as a second, so I think that could be really fun to allow people to pick between English reviews, French ones or both.
      And I know what you mean about being fluent, that’s how I am with Italian: I can read it ok, but not converse. At all. And it’s not as good as your French, since I can’t read it for too long before my head hurts!

  3. You don’t have to create a new account on Facebook to set up a fan page, it’s actually pretty simple. Here’s the link on Facebook to create it:

    Enjoy! Love the new look and new ideas for the blog!

    • Ha! So that’s how it’s done! Thank you 🙂

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