Filling the Shelf – 60

Posted by on May 7, 2012 3:12 am in Book talk | 12 comments

Filling the Shelf is basically Mailbox Monday (this month hosted by Martha’s Bookshelf), but with a title that suits my blog 😀 If you’re interested in joining the fun or seeing what other bloggers added to their shelves, I invite you to visit the current host!

Happy Monday everyone!

First, I want to apologize for all the little hiccups around the new website, and thank those of you who took the time to point out the little things that didn’t work! You rock! And if you see anything that needs some fixing (broken links, incorrect categories, widgets not working, etc.) I’ll be very thankful if you let me know. 🙂 I’m still new at this after all!

Now, on to the books!

The Traitor’s Daughter by Paula Brandon : This fantasy novel in fact arrived a while ago, I just forgot to mention it. But I read some reviews of it this past week and I’m excited about soon reading it (hopefully!)

Queen of Kings by Maria Dahvana Headley : Ancient Egypt and vampires; love and love!

Insurgent by Veronica Roth : I’m very curious about this one. Divergent was lots of great fun but also had some huge weaknesses in its worldbuilding, so I’m hoping this one will do better.

Moonglass by Jessi Kirby : Heard lots of great things about this contemporary novel last year!

Somebody to Love 
by Kristan Higgins : I’m a big Kristan Higgins fan, and I have been collecting her cute romance novels for a few years now. I’m planning on a giveaway in the coming week, so stay tuned!

Forgotten by Catherine McKenzie : I read Spin when it came out and absolutely loved it (I’ll be rereading it and posting a review soon). Also, she’s from Montreal. I’ve had the worst timing assisting to her book launches though (I always hear about them after the fact) and I’m still a little heartbroken that I once received a email from her that landed in my spam mail. I only discovered it months after 🙁 (oh the drama of a book blogger’s life!)

What did you add to your shelves recently? Have you read one of these two books?


  1. Somebody to Love and Forgotten are on my list to read. I’ve enjoyed books by both authors. Have a good week!

  2. The cover of Forgotten is gorgeous. I want to be walking down that path. But perhaps NOT with a suitcase. 😉

  3. I’d like to get my hands on the Mackenzie lot of books!

  4. I’m really curious about The Traitor’s Daughter, but they all look good. Enjoy!

    My Mailbox

  5. Kay, enjoy your new books! This looks like a very nice mix. I hope any blogging glitches are resolved soon. 🙂

  6. Insurgent seems to be everywhere today! Hope you enjoy it and all of your books!

  7. I’ve been curious for awhile now about the Paula Brandon books. Happy reading!

  8. I didn’t realize Catherine McKenzie had a new book coming out (though I confess I have yet to read anything by her). Hope you enjoy all your new reads!

  9. Queen of Kings reminds me of Xena the warrior princess for some reason 😉

  10. Hi Kay – Yes, “Filling the Shelf” fits your blog and is so tempting! I like the looks of all of your titles. Insurgent is already on my list.
    Have a great week.

  11. first off, congrats on the new website! i’ve been so busy with finals that i completely missed your move, but i absolutely love it as well as the new name!

    you got so many great books this week. i haven’t read anything by mckenzie, but i just got her book, arranged, for review and i’m really excited about it! i’m glad to hear that you like her writing.

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