BBAW – Day 1 – Community

Posted by on September 12, 2011 5:33 pm in other | 12 comments

Book Blogger Appreciation Week is here and I am so happy that this year, my schedule and my health allow me to participate!

Book Blogging has been an extraordinary part of my life for the last two years and a half, and celebrating the wonderful book-blogging community that has so warmly welcomed me is an occasion I wouldn’t want to pass!

Today’s topic, to celebrate the start of BBAW, is Community” :

While the awards are a fun part of BBAW, they can never accurately represent the depth and breadth of diversity in the book blogging community. Today you are encouraged to highlight a couple of bloggers that have made book blogging a unique experience for you. They can be your mentors, a blogger that encouraged you to try a different kind of book, opened your eyes to a new issue, made you laugh when you needed it, or left the first comment you ever got on your blog. Stay positive and give back to the people who make the community work for you!

So first, I want to say that this is going to be really difficult because there are so many bloggers I love and enjoy every day! The bloggers on this list, but also those who aren’t, have made my daily life as well as my reading life all the more interesting. 😀

Here we go!

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Firefly at Firefly’s Book Blog has been a fantastic influence on my reading – or at least, on my To-Be-Read list! Her reading is eclectic in a similar manner to mine, with everything from YA contemporary to historical fiction, with mostly fantasy, sci-fi and graphic novels in-between. Her reviews are always well balanced and to-the-point, and I love how she introduces the books, or the feel of the books, with a haiku that often has some humor to it.

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One of the first bloggers I encountered when joining the world of book blogging, Meg from Write Meg! is not only a great blogger, she’s also a super nice person whom you can’t help but love! She reads mostly contemporary and women’s fiction, and her reviews are always fair, even when sharing her thoughts on a book she didn’t enjoy. But more than books, Meg also shares a lot about her personal life, her adventures around the world and her amazing photography. She’s also to blame for my addiction to pumpkin lattes!

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Zibilee from Raging Bibliomania is such an amazing reviewer! She writes really long and complete reviews, and I’m always amazed by how much she finds to say about the books she reads, all while making it very interesting. Zibilee’s blog is one of my first stop every day, and finding a new post is always a great surprise!

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I only discoreved Nafiza and her blog Bibliophilic Monologues recently this year and it become a favorite of mine really quickly! Nafiza is, like me, a reader of YA fiction, but we also share a love for book covers. She writes some of the most honest reviews I’ve seen, too, while being respectful and fair (it’s a balance that can be difficult to achieve, I personally believe!)

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Shannon from Giraffe Days is a fellow Canadian blogger I first discovered on Goodreads. I was then amazed by her impressive book collection and her reviews, and following her blog was just the next natural step. With everything from Harry Potter to romance, with literary fiction and fantasy on the way, Shannon doesn’t seem to shy away from many genres. An eclectic reader myself, I love discovering new books I might not have tried otherwise, and Shannon is an excellent source for that!

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When I first discovered Medieval Bookworm, Meghan’s blog, I was super pleased to have found one of my first historical fiction blogs. Meghan reads a lot of other things, too, but I have learned that I can trust her judgement as I often enjoy the books she’s enjoyed. She shares a bit about her traveling and other life things, too, so it’s always a pleasant visit by her blog!


  1. Wonderful choices! Glad to have found your blog via BBAW and looking forward to visiting those on your list who are new to me!

  2. You have great taste in blogs, Kay. 🙂 I love all of these blogs.

  3. What a great list of bloggers. I’m off to explore their sites.

  4. another selection of blogs that completely slipped past my radar, so thanks for the introduction.

  5. Thank you so much for honoring me in this way! It seems like you’ve chosen a lot of great blogs to feature today, and while some are new to me, others I know quite well and I have to agree with your selection of them. I must admit to being quite partial to your blog myself. You have an incredibly astute way of writing and getting to the heart of the books you read. I enjoy each of your posts and often find myself strongly agreeing with your position on the books we have in common.

  6. What a great list! I see a couple blogs I need to check out.

  7. What a great list of blogs! I read a few already, but I’m off to check out the other two now. My list of influential bloggers, if you are interested!

  8. I chose to shine a bit of a spotlight on Meg from Write Meg as well, for all of the same reasons you mentioned. I think I may have been lucky to escape the addiction to the lattes, though!

  9. I’m so happy to see Nicki and Meghan on your list. They’re two of my favourites as well!

  10. Aww, thank you!! And wow, I’m in such great company on that list!

    …now I’ll just be over in my corner cackling evilly and making Mr. Burns-ian “Exxxxxcellent” hands over my TBR-increasing powers. 🙂

  11. Oh thank you so much for this. I’m honored that you think my content worth reading. And just so you know, I return the sentiment. I think I read your blog all the way till the very beginning when I first discovered you. 😀

  12. A few blogs that I know and love and a few that I’m not familiar with. Meg and Meghan are two that I’ve gotten to know via blogging and twitter and I agree they’re great. But also–what would this book blogosphere be without your awesome possum comics? 😉

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