Artsy Shelf – 34 – Curl up in White

Posted by on September 11, 2011 4:42 am in Features | 9 comments

Somewhat following the last feature on white dresses, today I have selected covers who also have white dresses, but also present a character curled up on the ground.

I’m pretty sure The Opposite of Amber and Far From You use the same image in reverse, and I do think the first one works best for me.

My favorite though would be between  Ash and The Girl Who Chased the Moon. I love the contrast and simplicity of the first one, but the second one has a magic and poetry that drives me to it immediately.

Do these covers work for you, or do they miss the mark? Which one is your favorite?


  1. Those covers are okay to me. I think my favorite is The Girl Who Chased the Moon.

  2. I kind of don’t like this pose on covers but I love the cover of Ash.

  3. The Girl Who Chased the Moon is my fav. So lovely and magical.

  4. Wow! I didn’t realize that many girls in white dresses like to curl up on the ground. I mean, aren’t they worried about getting their white dress dirty?

    Those first two are definitely from the same image.

    My fav: The Girl Who Chased the Moon…I’m a sucker for butterflies.

    Least favs: Last two. Haunted – what is up with that huge face looking upon the curled up girl? Crave – Why did they think it was a good idea to wash the girl out?

    • I’m glad to hear I’m not the only one confused by Haunted’s cover. It might have to do with the story?

  5. I am kinda disturbed by how extremely alike these covers are – I mean, it is so specific, isn’t it? “Oh, let’s have a cover where a girl rolls into a ball while wearing a white dress.” How can so many people have thought of that?

    Well spotted!

    • Eh, I’m kind of wondering the same thing! The “girl in white dress” theme isn’t surprising in itself, but having them pose in a similar way is, as you said, weirdly specific!

  6. I’ve made it a mission (okay, not really) to spot trends in covers. So far I’ve come across the Hair and the Medusa themes and now girls in white curled up. Well spotted indeed.

  7. I love your artsy shelves!!! What a creative post series.

    I’ll be looking for it more often.

    New Follower.

    Mad Scientist

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