The Chunksters Summer

Posted by on June 19, 2010 2:00 am in Book talk | 15 comments

I am sure that, like me, you have some of those books on your shelves; those huge, immense, gigantic tomes that just ask to be read. And yet, as fascinating as their stories seem, their supersize kind of turns you off. Maybe it’s because you’re easily bored. Maybe they’re just too heavy to carry around. Whatever the reason is, you haven’t gotten to them yet.

Well, I have some of those, too. Oh, I have many of those. Some are too heavy; some seem very serious and make me unsure about my capacity to stick with them to the end; some I just keep putting off for some reason or other!

So, I decided that this summer would be my “Chunksters Summer”. Not that I’m going to read only those, not at all; but I selected three huge books which I plan on reading before September. My goal is to read one per month, probably like this :

June : The Passage by Justin Cronin

Pages : 766

Why : This one is fairly recent on my TBR pile, but it’s still a brick. 766 pages is big enough, but it’s also written in a smaller font than most YA novels. Since I love dystopia and vampires and such, I am quite curious to read it.

July : Under the Dome by Stephen King

Pages : 1074

Why : Once upon a time, when I was a teen, King was one of my favorite authors. I heard good things on this one – apparently it’s similar to his older work, so I have some huge hopes for it. It’s also hard to resist the intriguing story and the beautiful cover, especially if you see it in full.

August : New York by Edward Rutherford

Pages : 880

Why : I read Rutherfurd’s London when it came out years ago (though in French translation) and loved it. Like, loved it. I can’t resist sagas, especially when they’re about a city’s history (like Steven Saylor’s Roma, for instance). It’s fascinating to see a place come alive through a variety of characters, and through the ages.

* * *

It just so happens that they have beautiful covers, too.

They’re so huge, once I’ve read them my TBR pile will probably have dropped one meter down. Seriously.

Do you have some reading plans for the summer? Any book you’re promising yourself that you’ll finally read?


  1. First book on my summer list is The Glass Books of the Dream Eaters by Gordon Dahlquist.728 pages:)

  2. Um how have I not heard of The Passage?! Added to the top of my TBR list! Thanks!

    As far as huge books go, that’s one thing I love about the Kindle. You really don’t *feel* like you’re reading a HUGE book. Although The Stand is still a bit daunting and I keep putting it off.

  3. What a great idea! I hope you enjoy them all.

  4. Terrific idea. Believe it or not, I have all (3 of those as chunksters, plus Wolf Hall and Children’s Hour. enjoy Kay

  5. I always find that chunksters are good to read when I am really behind in my reviewing and have lots of posts to put up while I’m taking the time to read a chunkster. I’ve been doing that this June, reading Dead Souls (500 dense pages w/tiny print), Fingersmith (700+ pages) and some others I have planned. Good luck with this project!!

  6. I applaud you for planning to read 3 chunksters this summer! After I read a really big book, I need to take a 3 or 4 month break before I attempt another one 🙂

  7. Great goal! I read The Passage awhile back. I don’t think I can read another chunkster anytime soon now! I’m working on my summer reading plans now. I’m hoping to get some great reading in. Good luck!

  8. This is a wonderful time. After all, if there is any time of the year to be ambitious, its summer. Granted the summer sun can be distracting when you are trying to say clean up around the house, but it is totally perfect for lazing in the sun with a good book. I can’t wait to hear what you think of these books as they all seem amazing.

    My summer goal for this summer is to just clear off the TBR shelf as much as possible. That, or buy some new shelves. I’m running out of room for my books. So sad but so true.

  9. Ooh great post. Ah, yes, the chunkster! I certainly have quite a few of those … and have been working my way through one (Stephen King’s ‘The Stand’) for a while now.

    I think my summer goal is to get through as much of my TBR pile (50-60+ books) as possible. 🙂 I’d like to get it done so I can start eating into my wishlist.

  10. sbooks : That certainly is a chunkster! I hope you enjoy it!

    Tara : Haha! And I feel like I’ve been seeing the book everywhere, on the internet and at the store! I get what you mean about ebooks though. I have yet to read a chunkster on mine, but it would certainly make a difference!

    Kathy : Thanks! I hope I do too, especially since I’m looking forward to all of them!

    Diane : I don’t have Wolf Hall (yet) but you’re right, it’s a chunkster too. If you ever want to read one of these 3 along during the summer let me know 😉

    Amanda : You’re giving me good ideas, and I think that’s what I’ll do : focus on reviewing books while I’m reading the chunksters. That would certainly help! And I’ve heard such great things on Fingersmith, I’ll be happy to hear what are your thoughts on it.

    Alitareads : Lol! I know what you mean! I’m hoping that the summer sun will inspire me though, otherwise I’ll never get through them!

    Vassilly : Chunksters really take a lot from a reader, huh? I usually need time between two of them, too, but I hope a month will be enough. I’d be curious to hear about your summer reading plans!

    Jennifer : Summer makes me feel ambitious, too! I want to read a lot but read for school, too – which is something I need to do if I want to start next year well. And I vote for the “more shelves” options. It really always is the best solution 😉

    Ceri : Ah, the Stand! It certainly is a chunkster! I started reading it when I was a bit younger but I had to return it to the library before I was done with it. I should probably try it again! That’s a great summer goal you got, though! Apart from my chunksters, I would love to get rid of those piles too (though they’re even bigger than yours! I have no self-control)

  11. The Brothers Karamazov is going to be my summer challenge/chunkster. I might just be crazy.

  12. This is a new challege Kay. Some books are just too long and too serious, making it longer. I hope you’d still be breathing after that 1000 page Stephen King.

    Alayne was spazzing about The Passage. Recently, many of you guys are reading The Passage.

    Do give reviews and progress!

  13. I’ll be reading Anna Karenina for my own version of the “chunksters summer” with my college students book group on Goodreads!

    No better time than the summer to tackle those thick books!

    Good luck!

  14. Oh boy — you’re brave to read the chunksters, even though they sound great! I’ve found that the older I get, the more I develop reading ADD… I have to finish a book quickly before I get distracted, then lose interest and abandon it completely. Unless a book is completely absorbing, I have a hard time getting through really long books — even though it’s often rewarding to spend so much time with a place and set of characters!

    I have two books I’ve promised myself I’ll finally read this summer: Elizabeth Gilbert’s Eat Pray Love (especially since I want to have read it before I see the movie!) and Dodie Smith’s I Capture The Castle, which I know is a classic for many. Here’s to hoping I’ll accomplish my goals!

  15. Softdrink : Wow! That’s a real chunkster! Good luck with that! 😀

    Lex : Haha! I do hope I’ll be breathing too! And yes, I’ll try to update and review through the thing. 🙂

    Jamie : Anna Karenina is a great challenge! I probably should try reading more of the classic chunksters… maybe a challenge idea for next summer?

    Meg : I have this kind of ADD too, when life gets too busy. Hopefully the summer time, even though busy, will give me the occasion to get through some of those. When I was a kid, the longer the books the more I enjoyed them!

    I have yet to read those two books, too. I have “I capture the Castle” on my TBR pile though; let me know if you’d like to do some sort of read along! 🙂

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