Review : Before I Fall

Posted by on March 12, 2010 2:21 am in 4 stars reads | 14 comments

Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver
Pages : 470
Genre : YA, fiction
Stand Alone
My Rating :

From the Back of the Book :

What if you had only one day to live? What would you do? Who would you kiss? And how far would you go to save your own life?

Samantha Kingston has it all: the world’s most crush-worthy boyfriend, three amazing best friends, and first pick of everything at Thomas Jefferson High—from the best table in the cafeteria to the choicest parking spot. Friday, February 12, should be just another day in her charmed life.

Instead, it turns out to be her last. Then she gets a second chance. Seven chances, in fact. Reliving her last day during one miraculous week, she will untangle the mystery surrounding her death—and discover the true value of everything she is in danger of losing.

Before I Fall was both beautiful and fascinating. When I picked the book to read it, I was worried of how repetitive the story would be with Samantha repeating the same day over and over, but I shouldn’t have. Lauren Oliver is a skilled author (hard to believe this is her first novel) who knitted the story with such attention to detail that every day felt like an almost-new day, with just enough similarities to make sense.

The narration carried the story so easily, and Oliver’s writing was perfect for it. Samantha isn’t exactly a lovable character in the beginning, and still I cared to know more about her, her friends and her story. Sam only really begins to change into someone “better” after the first half of the book, but that first part is necessary and set the events that will push her to question her actions and her life. Also, there is a very strong message about people not being completely “mean” or “nice” : even when Sam questions her and her friends’ actions, she still loves them for the good they also have in them.

I should also mention how well the characters are created, complete, multifaceted, and acting like real teenagers, in actions and in words. The scenes were depicted realistically and the characters too. The ending tore my heart but I thought it offered a satisfying conclusion, considering the circumstances.

It’s true I approached Before I Fall thinking of Groundhog Day – and I’m sure you thought of it too, reading the synopsis – but there is much more to this novel that laugh-out-loud comedy. In fact, the book is much more serious than humorous. Oliver managed to create a story that’s heartfelt and filled with a certain hope, too, while avoiding the over-the-top drama. In my opinion, she found the perfect balance between those elements, and I think this clever mix will appeal to many readers. I would love to read a kind of “sequel” to the book, though, about what happens after Samantha’s seventh repeated day.


  1. Sounds sooo good.

  2. This book keeps getting rave reviews! I need to dig out my copy and read it soon.

  3. Wonderful review! This novel was such a knock out for me. I’m with you, I cannot believe this is her first novel!

  4. Great review!

    I have this book on my shelf to be read.

  5. Like so many others, I’ve seen this book discussed so much lately — and sounds like for good reason! I’ve added it to my wishlist and look forward to getting my hands on it. Hopefully it doesn’t make me cry too much, though! I managed to hold it together during If I Stay, so I might be all right!

  6. Loved your thoughts on this one and I can’t wait to read this one for myself! 😀

  7. That’s a wonderful review. I loved this one too. Now you mention it, it would be great to find out what happens after those seven days.

  8. Juju : It is so good! I think you would like it!

    Kathy : I know, I was a bit worried that my expectations would be too high, but I really liked it and read it in almost one sitting.

    Amber : Yes, it was surprisingly good! I’m already looking forward to read more by this author.

    Fredalicious : Thanks! I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as I did!

    Meg : I think you would like it. Honestly though, I don’t think that’s a book that would make readers cry. Shake their heart, yes; brings tears to eyes, maybe; but crying… there’s a lot of hope, too, and the ending was more positive than negative too me. As you can see, I have a hard time describing what I mean without revealing anything! I haven’t read If I Stay though, so it’s hard to say.

    Staci : Thank you, I hope you will enjoy it like I did once you read it!

    Lauren : Thank you, I’m glad to hear you enjoyed the book too. I’m so curious about what happens after, I’m sure there would be a lot more of a story to tell!

  9. Great review! I’m really looking forward to reading this one, I need to work on getting my hands on a copy!

  10. This sounds good; it doesn’t end on a depressing note, does it? I could just see myself get really involved and then be disappointed if that were the case.

  11. It certainly has an interesting premise. I’m glad to hear that the author handled the idea well – I fee like poor writing could definitely ruin this story. I’m very intrigued by your review. I’ll have to add it to my TBR list.

  12. Hmm, it’s not a sad ending. It’s not exactly happy either, it’s positive. Don’t let that stop from reading it though, it’s a great book and really thought provoking. 🙂

  13. The book it so well thought out and it hard to believe that this was Lauren Oliver’s first book. She’s an amazing author and I’d love to read a sequel.
    I’m so excited for her next book to come out “Delirium” 🙂

  14. this sounds extremely good; i’m absolutely going to get this!

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