Review : Rude Awakenings of a Jane Austen Addict

Posted by on July 16, 2009 4:30 pm in 4.5 stars reads | 6 comments

Rude Awakenings of a Jane Austen Addict by Laurie Viera Rigler
Pages : 289
Genre : Austen Fiction, Chick Lit
My Rating : 

While Confessions took twenty-first-century free spirit Courtney Stone into the social confines of Jane Austen’s era, Rude Awakenings tells the parallel story of Jane Mansfield, a gentleman’s daughter from Regency England who inexplicably awakens in Courtney’s overly wired and morally confused L.A. life.

For Jane, the modern world is not wholly disagreeable. Her apartment may be smaller than a dressing closet, but it is fitted up with lights that burn without candles, machines that wash bodies and clothes, and a glossy rectangle in which tiny people perform scenes from her favorite book, Pride and Prejudice. Granted, if she wants to travel she may have to drive a formidable metal carriage, but she may do so without a chaperone. And oh, what places she goes!

Privacy, independence, even the power to earn her own money. But how is she to fathom her employer’s incomprehensible dictates about “syncing a BlackBerry” and “rolling a call”? How can she navigate a world in which entire publications are devoted to brides but flirting and kissing and even the sexual act itself raise no matrimonial expectations? Even more bewildering are the memories that are not her own. And the friend named Wes, who is as attractive and confusing to Jane as the man who broke her heart back home. It’s enough to make her wonder if she would be better off in her own time, where at least the rules are clear-that is, if returning is even an option.

Rude Awakenings was like a candy bag : you wish it would last longer, and yet you can’t stop yourself from going through it as quickly as possible. It was that good! It was fun! While Confessions had been completely unsatisfying in the end, Rude Awakenings answered most of my questions – and even some more.

Having re-read Confessions a little over a week ago, the story was still fresh in my memory. One thing I really enjoyed was the difference between the two books’ narration styles. They were similar, but through the language you really had a feel that the two women didn’t come from the same place and time. The author made a fantastic job on the two characters, who have similarities in their personnalities without feeling “the same”.

I also preferred Jane as a narrator; while Courtney seemed a little whiny at times (many times I wanted to give her a good “shoulder shake”), Jane was an adorable and curious narrator. Of course, she was at first scared and cautious, but she quickly learns to appreciate her new life. Her puzzlement, and amazement for all things modern was adorable but believable.  Her look on modern life was hilarious, but also very true! She made observations on today’s women lives that were right on point, without being contradictions to her own character.

Most of all, this book was fun. I laughed many times, and out loud I should add. You have to love a book that brightens your day like that!

I also appreciated the part the love story plays in the book. Oh, it’s there, and you hear some word about Wes or Frank or even Edgeworth mostly every page. But fortunately, Jane has other concerns : re-organizing Courtney’s life means putting back in place many things, from her work situation to her precarious financial status, without forgetting the annoying neighbor. Her happiness doesn’t depend exlusively on her love relationship, and that’s a good thing to read!

Although this book has a parallel story line to the one in Confessions, I would recommend reading them in the order they came in. There are many explanations, allusions and references to Confessions in Rude Awakenings, and you will certainly enjoy reading the second book the last. Plus, isn’t it better to keep the best for the end? 🙂


  1. Excellent review — and you’re right, we share many of the same opinions! 🙂 (That seems to happen a lot!) I really loved Rude Awakenings and adored Jane for her gumption in a pretty, um, complicated situation. And you’re right — sorting out Courtney’s life wasn’t totally dependent upon fixing her up with a guy. Her romances were icing on the cake — but not the cake itself.

  2. I love the comparison between the book and a bag of candy! These books sound so good – I’m dying to read both of them.

  3. Confessions is on my shelf, and I can’t wait to read it so I can get to the second one. Glad to hear you enjoyed them.

  4. So excited to read the first one after finished your fantastic review!!

  5. This one sounds great – I was a little disappointed with Confessions when I read it at the beginning of the year but I am definitely going to give this one a go.

  6. I felt the same way … even though they are parallel stand-alone stories, CONFESSIONS should be read before RUDE AWAKENINGS.

    I loved the narration in Jane’s voice! Her wonder at modern technology (and simpler things like modern clothing) was eye-opening and funny!

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