You know your TBR pile is too big when…

Posted by on May 25, 2009 2:31 pm in Book talk | 9 comments

It is taller than you are.

Proof :

TBR pile

The scary thing is, what you see here is only part of it. Half of it, to be honest. I really couldn’t do a complete pile without risking my life.

And yes, it did ended up with me being crushed by a pile of books! šŸ˜›

So it’s your turn, reader! You know your TBR pile is too big when…


  1. Holly cow!

    The one book on the bottom looks like it would be quite intimidating due to it’s size! ^_^

  2. i think you should skip right to the megan mccafferty books! i see them hiding in there!!!

    i know my tbr pile is too big when it has spilled over from my nightstand, on the the floor next to my bed and i now can only get to my side of the bed via my husband’s side. (does that make any sense?!)

    ps. your picture is ADORABLE–i love it!

  3. I love the art direction in this photo šŸ™‚

    I think it would take me days and days to even stack up my TBR!

  4. Jessica Marie : I’m guessing you’re talking about the Dali one! It’s two books in the box, and yes, they’re huge, but a lot of it are reproductions of his work! I read some of it for a paper, but I really want to read it all. But as you can guess, it’s not really a book you can carry in your bag and read at the bus stop! šŸ˜›

    Nat : Thank you! šŸ™‚ You know, I want to read McCafferty’s books so much that I already have four of the five, but I keep them waiting for the “right time”. I want to fully enjoy them!
    And yes, what you’re saying makes sense, I can absolutely imagine it!

    Lenore : Thank you! šŸ˜€ Wow, I can only imagine how huge your pile must be!

  5. I’m late to the party but your picture is so adorable! No chance of me constructing a similar pile, as just the two TBR piles on the floor (not including books that are unread but shelved) would probably hit the ceiling of our apartment!

  6. My TBR pile is too big to be stacked! I have over 1,000 on my tbr list, too. I am a book glutton for sure.

  7. Steph : Thank you! šŸ™‚ I’m so glad to know I’m not the only one with an enormous TBR pile! Mine is at least twice that high, plus a few ones lost in my shelves. I’m seriously wondering if I’ll get through it some day… I think not!

    Rebecca : Oh yes, I have such a list too! It’s a never-ending thing, happily for us. And a “book glutton”; that’s a cute expression! šŸ™‚

  8. That picture is adorable! I’m not sure how high my TBR stack would be if I put it like that — I live in a pretty small apartment so I’ve had to limit my book acquiring for the moment. Someday though, I hope to have a TBR stack taller than me (not hard, I think, since I’m only 5’3″ šŸ™‚ )

    • Thank you! šŸ™‚ I’m not much higher than you, and yes, it’s quite easy to make a TBR pile that high! I’m quite certain my books multiply by themselves when I’m not looking šŸ˜›

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