Wordless Wednesday – Visiting Rodin

Posted by on June 25, 2014 2:09 am in My work | 5 comments

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A favorite spot in Paris – and certainly my favorite museum – the Musée Rodin features the work of a favorite artist in one gorgeous setting. I was lucky enough to visit it on both of my trips to Paris, and it was a moving experience every time.

Can you spot the Thinker in the fifth picture? The Thinker is one impressive piece of art, without a doubt – yet to me it looks immensely… small, and frail, and human in this huge garden. Seeing it for real completely changed my perspective of it.

Musée Rodin, Paris, France, August 2013.

For more Wordless Wednesday, click here!


  1. A museum I need to put on my list.

  2. This was one of my favorite spots in Paris, too. The day I went, all the museums were on strike, which meant no one could go into the Louvre, but the Musee Rodin was open free to the public. A good friend of mine too me, and she was obsessed with Camille Claudel. It was so fascinating to see her work there, too – which I preferred infinitely to Rodin’s – and to see which parts of his sculptures she either worked on or influenced.

  3. Man IS just so small when compared with all of creation. BEAUTIFUL pictures! I especially love the second-last one.

  4. What captivating shots! That fifth photo is especially gorgeous, and you’re right: the Thinker does seem to be swallowed up by his surroundings. Very thought-provoking.


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