Comic : Reading a Great Book

Posted by on July 25, 2012 10:04 pm in My work | 14 comments

This always happens when I’m reading a great book; I have a hard time putting the book aside, I read way too late  into the night, and then I fall asleep just when the big revelations and the happily-ever-after take place. *sigh*


  1. LOVE it. SO been there.

  2. So awesome.

  3. That happened with the first book I ever read! And that’s how I became a bibliophile. 🙂

  4. LOL, definitely spot on. I love this one, hahah. I’ve been there many times. 😉 Or I’ve actually managed to finish it and then don’t have the time to sleep and stay a zombie all day…

  5. Awesome. Funny but so true – I constantly tell myself just one more page. Next thing it’s early in the morning, I’ve to head to work and I exhausted.

    • Jaycee, AphroditeNo, I wo#re8217;t.IdemiliThanks&n8230;Favou&#d GirlI gave him a scolding the next time he went into my things without permission. Sulked for a while, but things seem to be fine. I’ll handle the food issues this week.LOASCMI’ve been doing fine .UzeziUpdated.TaureanminxI’m aware of that. The last line was supposed to refer to my version of ‘nice.’

  6. I swear you’ve been peeking in my windows again! I love it!!

  7. Hahaha, this is so true! Especially the ‘for real’ part, why do we try and delude ourselves?

  8. hahah. this happens to me all the time too! i’m glad i’m not alone.

  9. Yes! Or by the time the big revelations and the happily-ever-afters come up I’m too tired to fully appreciate them. Then the next day I’ll be like ‘oh yeah! That was actually really great!”

    • Whoops, I did something weird to my blog address in that last comment.

      Unable to type your own blog address = another side effect of staying up too late reading 😉

  10. Oh yes, I can relate to this too! Great cartoon!

  11. Story of my life!!

  12. Are you talking to me? Love this!

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