Artsy Shelf – 13 – Butterfly Wings

Posted by on November 19, 2009 12:38 pm in Features | 12 comments

Here are some covers with wings.

artsyshelf butterflies

As you’ll notice, Fate and The Ice Queen are more than look-alikes! The same picture, with different details : the torn wing on Fate, the shadow of a hand, the tank top… I think I prefer The Ice Queen though, for its simplicity and softness.

Even though I didn’t like either of these books, I have to admit that Wings and Tithe‘s covers are very nice looking. They also fit really well the story, Tithe being very dark and Wings being softer. I like how Wings‘s wings are in fact petals.

That being said, I think my two favorites are the last two ones, The Sister and The Heart Specialist. I would be drawn to both these covers if I saw them in the store. In fact, I almost got The Sister the other day, but then I stopped myself (I already have enough books for now, sadly!)

Do any of these work for you? Which one(s) would make you pick up the book?


  1. These covers are awesome. I keep meaning to read Wings and Tithe, both covers are just so great.

  2. I <3 Wings πŸ™‚

  3. Oooo I read the Ice Queen years ago. I like Hoffman.

  4. I like all the butterfly covers. I prefer The Ice Queen too.

  5. My favourite are the last two, which just happen to be the only two that I own!

  6. I’ve read the two middle ones and part of the reason was because of the beautiful covers!

  7. Every time I see Tithe, I want to buy it for the cover. I keep stopping myself though.

  8. I like the first one, but for some odd reason the others don’t seem that attractive to me. Especially the one with the butterfly in the jar–that’s just disturbing. πŸ˜›

  9. I love the cover of The Ice Queen — definitely draws me in! Then again, I love butterflies — so my eye would gravitate to any of these. πŸ™‚

  10. Just like you (again), my favourites are the last two, The Sister and The Heart Specialist.

  11. The Sister is an excellent book – especially if you like unreliable narrators.

  12. The Heart Specialist really got my eye! I love the vintage feel of the cover.

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